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The Third Metriā€¦

September 10, 2013

Recently, I was reminded of “The Why” by an industry colleague. “The Why” relates to a speech in 2009 by Simon Sinek, who has also written the book “Start with The Why”. In short, his research showed that successful companies and endeavors (Apple, Dr King, the Wright brothers) had one thing in common. The started with why instead of what. Why do you do what you do, not what do you do (as a business, as well as a person). Take a look now at his speech at TED to get the whole picture. Then try it yourself. What is your Why? If you are like most people, What is often much easier. I think that is because we are so used to the What. For most of us, our professional lives are almost all about the What. But that is slowly but surely changing. Can you feel it? It might not seem like it at first glance, since things… Read more